Android Studio - How to open multiple project in single window?

I have downloaded Android Studio and started using it for my Android development.

I need to know, how to open multiple number of projects in a single window like Eclipse. Expecting some help, thanks.

Solution 1:

IntelliJ IDEA creates a project for the entire code base you work with, and a module for each of its individual components. So, IntelliJ IDEA module is more like an Eclipse project, and project is roughly similar to Eclipse workspace. There's no exact equivalent to Eclipse's workspace that contains all your work, but you can open multiple projects in multiple frames at the same time.

This table can help you see how Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA concepts map to each other:

Eclipse               IDEA
Workspace             Project
Project               Module
Project-specific JRE  Module JDK
User library          Global library
Classpath variable    Path variable
Project dependency    Module dependency
Library               Module library

To use the library add it as a dependancy:

File > Project Structure > Modules > Dependencies

Then add the module (android library) as a module dependency.

Solution 2:

Open two projects in a single window is not possible in Android Studio / IntelliJ IDEA. So, when you open a second project, you'll have to decide:

New projects can either be opened in a new window or replace the project in the existing window. How would you like to open the project?

This limitation is useful because your window offers project specific features, like the Changes tab for VCS information, etc.

How to use library projects?

For now, you can copy the library project into your project folder and declare it as a module dependency. If you use the same libraries in different projects, you will end up having the code multiple times.

ProjectA                   ProjectB
 facebook-sdk/              actionbarsherlock/
 actionbarsherlock/         bin/
 bin/                       src/
 src/                       ...

While this feels kind of inconvenient, it helps having all the required sources in VCS. Soon, Gradle, the new build system, will manage these dependencies pleasantly. Here's an example of how the Gradle build could look like to include ActionBarSherlock or similar libs:

repositories {

dependencies {
    compile 'com.actionbarsherlock:library:4.2.0'

In this answer you'll find some reasons why this solution does not work yet.

Solution 3:

write code in settings.gradle

include ':ProjectName'
project(':ProjectName').projectDir = new File(rootDir, '/ProjectName')