How to set proxy configuration file in command line?

Sometimes I need to use ShadowsocksX to bypass GFW, but ShadowsocksX will clear my proxy configuration file.

When I come to my company, I've to set proxy configuration file manually, I'm wondering if there any OSX's command can help me to set proxy configuration file? So that I can create an alias in my zshrc file.

Solution 1:

networksetup is a configuration tool for network settings in System Preferences. I don't really known what the ShadowsocksX project is, but this command can help you up.

For instance, for a certain .pac config file, you could do:

networksetup -setautoproxyurl "Wi-Fi" ""

PS: if you just need to set the proxy for something like wget, or curl, then you can use the fairly universal http_proxy and ftp_proxy ENV variables (e.g., export http_proxy=http://myproxy:port).