How to bulk delete zip files without extention in linux

Solution 1:

In my Kubuntu the following command:

file -b --mime-type path/to/some/zip



I can use it to detect all zip files in the current directory (with subdirectries). The command is:

find . -type f -exec sh -c '
   for f do
   file -b --mime-type "$f" | grep -q "^application/zip$" && {
      printf "%s\n" "$f"
      # rm "$f"
' find-sh {} +

If the result looks sane, uncomment rm "$f" (delete #) to actually remove the files.


  • Neither -b nor --mime-type are portable options of file. If your file does not support them then check what bare file path/to/some/zip prints. It may be:

    path/to/some/zip: Zip archive data, …

    Where denotes additional information. If I needed to rely on this output then my grep command would be:

    grep -q ": Zip archive data"

    but it would (possibly) falsely detect files with this very string in the name. Anyway, adjust your grep to what your file prints.

  • find-sh is explained here: What is the second sh in sh -c 'some shell code' sh?

  • The command does not care about filenames (in Linux what you call "extension" is just a part of filename). It answers the question you asked in the body of the post ("How can I delete all files that are zip files?"), not the title ("How to bulk delete zip files without extension").