Is it possible to create a sort of template/zone to guide others where to insert images in a Word document?
I have to create a Word document that will be used as a template for reports, each report will need to have people insert images(screenshots) into their documents.
Is it possible to specially mark a zone, like a big square or something "this is where you need to insert your screenshot"?
Or maybe mark the borders of the screenshot and they just click and they can add into it a screenshot or other image?
Yes, you can use a Picture Content Control
This is on the Developer Tab.
(This is in the Windows desktop version of Word. It can be done on the Mac but is harder.) One way to do it on the Mac is to use a document developed in Word for Windows that has the control and copy that control into your template. Here is a link to such a document on my website.)
Clicking on this gives the user this set of choices for the source.
When the picture is inserted, it will be the size of your control. It can be resized, though, like any picture.
When it is not selected, the control tab and bounding box are invisible.