Windows 10 - Multiple windows of the same program min/maximizing together and staying on top

I recently switched to Windows 10 from Windows 7 and have run into this new windows 10 feature. I frequently work with a program that has several windows open at once (Blender.) I have multiple monitors, and I put one window on each monitor (note: this issue exists even with only a single display.)

If I minimize or maximize the primary Blender window, it minimizes/maximizes all of the other Blender windows. If I have a different program's window in front of one of the secondary Blender windows, and I click into any blender window, it moves all the Blender windows to be on top. This makes it impossible to keep other programs visible to view reference images, or text notes, while working in only one window.

I want to get back to the old behavior I had under Windows 7 where it treated these separate windows independently and didn't link their min/max or on bring them to front. How can I do this?

You can accomplish this.

Right click on the Task Bar and select Task Bar Properties.

Look down the right side and see: "Combine Task Bar Buttons". Default is Always (that is what you see). Set to Never if that is what you want.

Thought for you: After 6 years of Windows 10, I Always Combine. Why? Easier overall and hovering over the icon will allow you to pick out the correct one.

As I say - just a thought.