A good solution for await in try/catch/finally?

I need to call an async method in a catch block before throwing again the exception (with its stack trace) like this :

    // Do something
    // <- Clean things here with async methods

But unfortunately you can't use await in a catch or finally block. I learned it's because the compiler doesn't have any way to go back in a catch block to execute what is after your await instruction or something like that...

I tried to use Task.Wait() to replace await and I got a deadlock. I searched on the Web how I could avoid this and found this site.

Since I can't change the async methods nor do I know if they use ConfigureAwait(false), I created these methods which take a Func<Task> that starts an async method once we are on a different thread (to avoid a deadlock) and waits for its completion:

public static void AwaitTaskSync(Func<Task> action)
    Task.Run(async () => await action().ConfigureAwait(false)).Wait();

public static TResult AwaitTaskSync<TResult>(Func<Task<TResult>> action)
    return Task.Run(async () => await action().ConfigureAwait(false)).Result;

public static void AwaitSync(Func<IAsyncAction> action)
    AwaitTaskSync(() => action().AsTask());

public static TResult AwaitSync<TResult>(Func<IAsyncOperation<TResult>> action)
    return AwaitTaskSync(() => action().AsTask());

So my questions is: Do you think this code is okay?

Of course, if you have some enhancements or know a better approach, I'm listening! :)

You can move the logic outside of the catch block and rethrow the exception after, if needed, by using ExceptionDispatchInfo.

static async Task f()
    ExceptionDispatchInfo capturedException = null;
        await TaskThatFails();
    catch (MyException ex)
        capturedException = ExceptionDispatchInfo.Capture(ex);

    if (capturedException != null)
        await ExceptionHandler();


This way, when the caller inspects the exception's StackTrace property, it still records where inside TaskThatFails it was thrown.

You should know that since C# 6.0, it's possible to use await in catch and finally blocks, so you could in fact do this:

    // Do something
catch (Exception ex)
    await DoCleanupAsync();

The new C# 6.0 features, including the one I just mentioned are listed here or as a video here.

If you need to use async error handlers, I'd recommend something like this:

Exception exception = null;
catch (Exception ex)
  exception = ex;

if (exception != null)

The problem with synchronously blocking on async code (regardless of what thread it's running on) is that you're synchronously blocking. In most scenarios, it's better to use await.

Update: Since you need to rethrow, you can use ExceptionDispatchInfo.