What are all these shells and which should I keep?

I've inherited a PC and seem to have a bunch of different flavours of powershell. I just need one to do web development but am not sure what the difference between them is. Which should I keep/uninstall?

enter image description here

Don't uninstall any of them.

The four "Windows PowerShell" entries are distributed as part of Windows 10. The two marked "ISE" provide a minimal script editor-plus-execution-console; the two marked "(x86)" are for a 32-bit environment instead of a 64-bit environment. Microsoft assumes that these PowerShells will be available for administrative tasks, and some of their utility GUIs simply use the GUI to build a PowerShell command and then use PowerShell to execute it. [ETA: These can't be uninstalled, anyway.]

The PowerShell 7 entry is for a newer version of PowerShell that is also cross-platform - that is, it is available for Mac and Linux as well as Windows - and supports new features that will not be retrofitted to the Windows PowerShell, and also supports a newer .NET than the Windows PowerShells.