Java installer not working

I just uninstalled java and downloaded the java installer again from the website . The version of the installer is jre-8u291 .
When I run it, nothing happened . It runs on background but not doing anything . No memory change, no cpu usage, etc . No interface at all , it just runs in background doing nothing.


How do I solve this ? I want to install java again asap pls help

EDIT : I found the source of the problem , so i uninstalled java then I want to reinstall but i got this problem . Then i try to run java program , in this case I run minecraft , IT WORKED ! that means java is not fully uninstalled . But i already uninstalled java in program and features and I have rechecked that there is no java in program and features !!!! how the heck did this happen , now I'm trying to find a way to uninstall java because it doesn't appear on program and features

EDIT : sorry I forgot to mention I am using windows 8

Solution 1:

Uninstall Java completely, restart, and then download Java 291 64-bit from and install the 64-bit version. Use the section "for another operating system.." so you can get the full installer and not just the stub installer.

Most systems are now 64-bit and Java 64-bit should work fine. I have it running on several systems here.

But java should be uninstalled first to eliminate 32-bit versions and then restart.

Make sure this is for personal use and if you are in a company that you are licensed to use Java.

Follow up: We learned that the machine is a Windows 8 machine and so fewer repair tools are available.

System File Checker was run and did not work and the author does not have the Windows 8 media to make a repair.

Accordingly, the practical way forward is to back up all data and reinstall Windows 8 from the recovery partition, or, better, upgrade to Windows 10.