Where is the google-chrome instance?

I want to open google-chrome,but can't:

debian@debian:~$ which  google-chrome
debian@debian:~$ google-chrome
[6605:6605:0713/170233.016537:ERROR:process_singleton_posix.cc(1004)] Failed to create socket directory.
[6605:6605:0713/170233.016697:ERROR:chrome_browser_main.cc(1278)] Failed to create a ProcessSingleton for your profile directory. This means that running multiple instances would start multiple browser processes rather than opening a new window in the existing process. Aborting now to avoid profile corruption.

I can't find where the instance is ?

debian@debian:~$ ps aux |grep  google
debian      6648  0.0  0.0  12684   820 pts/0    S+   17:02   0:00 grep google
debian@debian:~$ ps aux |grep  chrome
debian      6651  0.0  0.0  12684   876 pts/0    S+   17:02   0:00 grep chrome

Should i free up space?

 df /
Filesystem     1K-blocks     Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1      191293324 73507036 107999460  41% /

The error basically means that chromium can't create its "ProcessSingleton" socket.

Check if the /tmp is set as chmod 1777. These special permission are so that all users can write to it, but only the owners have access to their objects within.

Consider cleaning out /tmp of anything that looks related to chrome or chromium. (Have you also installed chromium?)

/tmp night also be full, and in that case clean up some space.

It's not saying that an instance is running.

It's saying that inability to acquire a lock would make it possible to run multiple instances, which in turn would lead to profile corruption. Therefore it's refusing to start.