trouble getting apt-get to work with https

I have a (private) apt repository setup on a server. I'm only allowing access to this repository over SSL, and only with a client certificate. I have tested the connection using curl:

$ curl --cacert /opt/CA.crt --cert /opt/user.crt --key /opt/user.key --pass 1234

The content is downloaded as expected.

I've created a file in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/45example-com with

Debug::Acquire::https "true"; {
    Verify-Peer "true";
    Verify-Host "true";

    CaInfo "/opt/CA.crt";

    SslCert "/opt/user.crt";
    SslKey  "/opt/user.key";

I've added a file at /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ with:

deb lucid main

There seems to be a problem with the CA cert, when I try an update I get the following:

# apt-get update
* Connected to ( port 443 (#0)
* found 1 certificates in /opt/CA.crt
* error reading X.509 key or certificate file
* Closing connection #0

The server logs on show that no request got there, so I guess that apt-get is failing before trying to send the request (which matches what the log says).

I've had a hard time finding any documentation on apt-get with ssl on the interwebs, and haven't even been able to find the source code.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Solution 1:

After some searching I have a better idea of what is happening (but no solution yet).

I found the source code for apt at It uses libcurl for ssl, which in turn uses gntls.

The error message comes from libcurl, and it is complaining about the key/password, not the CA certificate. The line:

* found 1 certificates in /opt/CA.crt

is saying that CA.crt was correctly loaded. The error message comes from the following:

     data->set.str[STRING_KEY] ?
     data->set.str[STRING_KEY] : data->set.str[STRING_CERT],
     do_file_type(data->set.str[STRING_CERT_TYPE]) ) !=
  failf(data, "error reading X.509 key or certificate file");

(From gtls.c in

The problem is with the password that is associated with that key. I've stripped the password from the key using:

$ openssl rsa -in user.key -out user-nopasswd.key

This isn't ideal, but it seems to work.