How to jump to virtual desktop by number (or name) [duplicate]

On win10, I can switch between different virtual desktops using the following shortcuts:

  1. Ctrl + Super + Left: go to the left desktop
  2. Ctrl + Super + Right: go to the right desktop

However, I don't think it's fast enough for me. For example, if I want to go to desktop 8 from desktop 2, I have to press Ctrl + Super + Right for 6 times, that's not convenient.

I would like the following command:

  1. Super + 1: go to desktop 1
  2. Super + 2: go to desktop 2 ...
  3. Super + 9: go to desktop 9

Or something like that, so I can quickly switch to a specific desktop using only one shortcut. Is that possible?

I found this excellent AutoHotKey script to help me achieve that.

But by default it uses CapsLock as the modifier key, which is not what I want. I tweaked the script a little bit to make it work by using the win key.

Now I can switch between desktops by win + 1, win + 2, etc.

Currently there exists only these virtual desktop related keyboard shortcuts:

  • WIN + CTRL + LEFT/RIGHT: Switch to previous or next desktop
  • WIN + CTRL + D: Create a new desktop
  • WIN + CTRL + F4: Close the current desktop
  • WIN + TAB: Launch task view

However, Microsoft is developing Windows 10 all the time and likes to have feedback. All kind of new features are tested and evaluated by users in Windows Insider Program, giving you the upcoming features earlier and power to vote.

I feel like this program is worth mentioning as well:

It has support for direct desktop switching through DLL calls without having to go through the ones in between and the animation can be disabled as well in favor of speed.
Another big plus is that the hotkeys can be configured with an easy to understand settings.ini, so no AutoHotKey knowledge is required for that.

(AutoHotKey isn't even required for running the app, since it is compiled into an exe.)