Ubuntu installation issue

I am installing Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. It is stuck at a point where it says "Downloading Language Packs..." Time in it is randomly changing. It has been over 2 hours, since it is downloading. Is there any way to skip this downloading with out terminating installation.

Further info: I am installing through DVD, if that matters at all, and have active internet connection that is working good (checked it in my friend's laptop, since it is shared, download speed about 50kbps)

Solution 1:

I got the solution... At the place where it says "Downloading language packages", there is a arrow to the left of message.

By clicking on array, there appears a small window at bottom and a bottom at right most side at the level of "Downloading language packages" that says "Skip", by pressing that button one can skip that step.

I cant paste a screen shot,as system is installing Ubuntu.

Solution 2:

As the previous answer has stated, you can click the "Skip" button to opt-out from downloading and installing the language packages during installation.


You can disconnect first from the Internet before you start the installation, you can always perform an update right after installation and reboot by running sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade from the terminal.

Solution 3:

I found that clicking on the arrow before the"downloading language packs" works well. Click on the arrow, then the 'Skip' option appears. Next click on Skip.

I had already waited 2 hours for the language pack download to finish and it was still showing 184 minutes left.

Now I'm using Ubuntu without the pack and as I restarted the PC, I get the "Finish the language pack" option which means I can download them now.