Libraries do not get added to APK anymore after upgrade to ADT 22

Quoting Streets of Boston from his adt-dev post:

When upgrading, the 'Order and Export' of the new 'Android Private Libraries' is not always checked. And the android-support-v4.jar is now in this 'Android Private Libraries' section.

To fix this, go to 'Order and Export' and check 'Android Private Libraries'. Then refresh/clean/rebuild.

After you done this 'fix' for a library project, you may need to just close and re-open any depending project, because they may not see this 'fix' immediately.

Give this a shot and with luck it will solve your problem.

enter image description here

Simply checking Android Private Libraries was not enough, I also had to install Android SDK Build-tools in Android SDK Manager.

I had also the same problem and my adt was 22.0.1. And none of the solution above worked. Further when adding a external library project to a working project.I always check the gen folder of working project and if R of external library project is there (along with package name),then only external library project is exported. And on my gen folder no packagename of external library was shown.

So I checked on file and there wasn't any external library link present android.library.reference.1= present. So I manually added the external library reference there ,even though I had added from project->properties->Java Build Path->Projects->Add. So manually editing the did all the work for me.

enter image description here

I have encountered a similar problem, spent about 3 hours, but none of the proposed here decisions did not help... Finally I found a source of the problem: my project files & were read-only. Eclipse is simply silently ignoring any changes in library dependencies when I doing it in the GUI!

I had the same problem. It was because of the eclipse project. To solve it I created a new project in eclipse, copy my existing project classes and resources into it and then launched eclipse again and added my custom includes.