Re open all default panes in gimp?

I installed gimp some time ago and have lost some panes. I researched how to open the toolbox pane, but I am not sure what else should be open.

Currently, I have two panes visible on screen, "Untitled" (the pane with a design in it), and "Layers - Brushes" (a pane with 'mode', 'opacity', 'lock', 'brushes', 'patterns', 'gradients').

Is there a shortcut to open all the panes up in Gimp, and if it cannot be done with a simple shortcut, is there a way to open them incrementally (noting that I have no idea what panes should be open, and I prefer to to reinstall).

Note: I found 'Toolbox' by going to Help -> search -> 'Toolbox' -> New Toolbox (it says the shortcut for this is cmd+b)

Solution 1:

The state of open panes is not part of the program, it is part of your settings, so it is not something that I'd expect a reinstallation to reset.

If you want to reset all pane positions, GIMP stores them in a file called sessionrc. Delete that file (while GIMP is not running) and your main window will return to the default layout the next time you start it.

  • Linux: either ~/.config/GIMP/2.10/sessionrc
  • Windows: %AppData%\GIMP\2.10\sessionrc
  • macOS: dunno, probably ~/Library/GIMP/2.10/sessionrc?

(The "sessionrc" file contains just the window layout. Other settings are kept in their own files – for example, "toolrc" describes how the toolbox buttons are grouped, "gimprc" contains miscellaneous other settings. Open each file in a text editor to see what's inside.)