Mac Packaging: proposal for a new method(suggestions please) [closed]

Solution 1:

I would suggest you Homebrew.

The main point of Homebrew is that is doesn't require to install new version of tools you already have.

Here is a nice article about it.

Solution 2:

  • Have a look into fink. IIRC it uses debpkg/apt as package management system.
  • You can't just "convert" package files into a totally different platform. Ubuntu deb files are compiled for the Linux kernel, not MacOS. Also, MacOS is more like xBSD then it is like Linux, and on BSD the ports system (which is also used by MacPorts) is the standard package system.
  • I consider the fact that MacPorts keeps all it stuff in a separate directory a feature, not a bug. This way I can add ie. newer python or perl versions without having to fear to break something elsewhere. Nevertheless, I would agree that it could be helpful in some cases to have virtual "system python" etc. packages that would be able to satisfy dependencies for programs already offered by MacOS. Again, I think fink does this.