Android-Studio : Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine

In my case, I changed below file to modify vm heap option.

C:\Program Files\Android\android-studio\bin\studio.exe.vmoptions

I increased -Xms128m to -Xms512m and restarted Android Studio.

After that, I could go to next step.

I found a solution to this problem on an old vs-android issue.

You should create a new environment variable named _JAVA_OPTIONS, set it to
-Xms256m -Xmx1024m and it should work.

I guess you have the same problem as me. I use Windows 7 32bit and therefore my Java SDK and runtime are also 32 bit. Gradle runs in its own Java VM and Android Studio starts this VM with a heap size parameter (-Xmx1024m) of 1 GB. This is too much for my 32-bit environment and creating the JVM fails.

If I manually start Gradle with -Xmx512m as JVM option Gradle starts without problems, but so far I have not found out how to tell Android Studio to start the JVM differently while it creates a new Android project.

So currently I'm also still stuck.


1.In the Studio, navigate to File-> Settings->Compiler

   In the VM Options text box, paste this line
   -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m
  1. Delete the existing AVD.

  2. Then File->Invalidate Caches/Restart .

  3. After restarting the studio, create a new AVD. Should work fine !