Failed to import new Gradle project in android studio

I got the error when i create a new Project using android studio. below i attached a screenshots of error message..enter image description here I am using windows 7 (64 bit) Please help me.

Solution 1:

I also had an issue downloading gradle through AndroidStudio. I tried the following.

  1. Go to your AndroidStudio directory where you installed your studio Like D:\User\AndroidStudio
  2. In AndroidStudio go to \AndroidStudio\plugins\gradle\lib and copy gradle.jar
  3. Paste gradle.jar file in \AndroidStudio\lib directory.
  4. Download gradle directly from Gradle
  5. Copy the contents of - After extracting zip file - (bin, media, init.d, lib folders) to \AndroidStudio\plugins\gradle
  6. Restart AndroidStudio

* Updated Answer *

And after following all the steps listed above, if it is not working, Kindly check below things.

1) Please delete .gradle folder from your user like C:\Document and Settings\AndroidUser\***\.gradle

2) You can check your HTTP Proxy in Settings.

Hope this helps!

Solution 2:

In my case, it was sufficient to specify the location of the Gradle distribution included with Android Studio when requested.

On a mac, it was: /Applications/Android
On Linux, it can be generalized to {android-studio-root}/grade/gradle-{version}