Converting ObservableCollection to List?

How does one convert an ObservableCollection to a List of the held objects?

Just need to add the namespace using System.Linq;

and use the method ToList() in the ObservableCollection object

Depending on the type of object in the ObservableCollection... I'll assume it's an int for this example:

IEnumerable<int> obsCollection = (IEnumerable<int>)GetCollection();
var list = new List<int>(obsCollection);

Given that ObservableCollection<T> implements IEnumerable<T> you can give it to the constructor of List<T>:

List<T> myList = new List<T>(myObservableCollection);

Where T is the type of the items in the collection.

ObservableCollection implements IList<T>, so you should be able to use ToList() on it.