Google cannot locate my GitHub repositories - Google Site Verification fails

Solution 1:

I have made partial progress. Google has verified my GitHub Page and is in the process of indexing that page. I have not been able to verify my GitHub repository. However, my GitHub Page links to my GitHub repository. So, after Google finishes indexing my GitHub Page maybe Google will be able to list both the page and the repository in search results. I will not know for maybe another week.

Below are the steps I used to verify my GitHub Page based on this post by klues:

  1. Go to Google Search Console

I made sure I was using the same Gmail account to log into both GitHub and Google Search Console.

  1. Paste the URL of your GitHub Page into the URL Prefix box. For example, I used:

This GitHub Page is referred to as a property.

  1. Click Continue

  2. Scroll down to the HTML tag verification method section and copy the meta tag displayed by clicking the word COPY

  3. Paste that text into your index.html file in your GitHub repository. Bracket that text between <head> and </head>. The actual html code was not displayed here when I tried. My index.html file is in the gh-pages branch of my GitHub repository.

  4. Commit the changes made in your index.html file (i.e., update your repository).

  5. Click the word VERIFY on the Google Search Console screen

  6. Hopefully Google Search Console will verify your GitHub Page site. My site was verified.


  8. You must wait approximately 48 hours after which a different Google Search Console screen will appear with a search bar at the top.

  9. Paste the URL of the GitHub Page into that search bar at the top of the new Google Search Console screen. However, this time use a slightly different version of the URL than was used in Step 2. This time add index.html to the end of the URL:

  1. Click Enter

  2. Request Indexing

  3. Wait for Google to index the GitHub Page. I do not know how long this will take but I guess it could take anywhere from a couple of days to a couple of weeks. Here is a screenshot of the current state of my Google Search Console display while I wait for Google to index my GitHub Page. Note the checkmark next to Indexing requested:

enter image description here

I will update this post after the indexing of the GitHub Page is completed (or fails).

EDIT: August 19, 2021

Google still is not able to locate my GitHub page. The following screenshot shows that Google Search Console Coverage is still processing data ~ one month after creating this post.

enter image description here