How can I check if multiplying two numbers in Java will cause an overflow?

I want to handle the special case where multiplying two numbers together causes an overflow. The code looks something like this:

int a = 20;
long b = 30;

// if a or b are big enough, this result will silently overflow
long c = a * b;

That's a simplified version. In the real program a and b are sourced elsewhere at runtime. What I want to achieve is something like this:

long c;
if (a * b will overflow) {
    c = Long.MAX_VALUE;
} else {
    c = a * b;

How do you suggest I best code this?

Update: a and b are always non-negative in my scenario.

Java 8 has Math.multiplyExact, Math.addExact etc. for ints and long. These throw an unchecked ArithmeticException on overflow.

If a and b are both positive then you can use:

if (a != 0 && b > Long.MAX_VALUE / a) {
    // Overflow

If you need to deal with both positive and negative numbers then it's more complicated:

long maximum = Long.signum(a) == Long.signum(b) ? Long.MAX_VALUE : Long.MIN_VALUE;

if (a != 0 && (b > 0 && b > maximum / a ||
               b < 0 && b < maximum / a))
    // Overflow

Here's a little table I whipped up to check this, pretending that overflow happens at -10 or +10:

a =  5   b =  2     2 >  10 /  5
a =  2   b =  5     5 >  10 /  2
a = -5   b =  2     2 > -10 / -5
a = -2   b =  5     5 > -10 / -2
a =  5   b = -2    -2 < -10 /  5
a =  2   b = -5    -5 < -10 /  2
a = -5   b = -2    -2 <  10 / -5
a = -2   b = -5    -5 <  10 / -2

There are Java libraries that provide safe arithmetic operations, which check long overflow/underflow. For example, Guava's LongMath.checkedMultiply(long a, long b) returns the product of a and b, provided it does not overflow, and throws ArithmeticException if a * b overflows in signed long arithmetic.

You could use java.math.BigInteger instead and check the size of the result (haven't tested the code):

BigInteger bigC = BigInteger.valueOf(a) * multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(b));
if(bigC.compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE)) > 0) {
  c = Long.MAX_VALUE;
} else {
  c = bigC.longValue()

Use logarithms to check the size of the result.