Android Studio - SDK is out of date or is missing templates

I downloaded Android Studio, fixed the JDK Environmental Variable, but when I try to create a New Project, I get an error that says

Your Android SDK is out of date or is missing templates. Please ensure you are using SDK version 22 or later.

I opened up android.bat in the SDK but it said I was already running version 22.

Anyone else getting this?

It just happened because you already have your SDK setted up for Android Developers Bundle with eclipse. Simply open your SDK manager in the ADT Bundle and update you Android SDK Tools from 21.1 to 22 and you are good to go.

Worked for me.

First of all, on Windows and Mac, the individual tools and other SDK packages are saved with the Android Studio application directory.

Windows: \Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Android\android-studio\sdk\
Mac: /Applications/Android\

Make sure your android-sdk-path is correct and the sdk tool version is 22 or later.

Then open the Configure--> Project Defaults --> Project Structure, set your project sdk is Android SDK.


As for me, I make next:

  1. Start Eclipse -> start SDK -> install selected packages
  2. Eclipse -> Help -> check for updates -> update all
  3. Android Studio -> configure -> Project Defaults -> Project structure -> Press plus -> Android SDK -> put path to the same sdk that you use in eclipse (run SDK and in top panel you can see this path).
  4. Apply