Powershell script help needed for displaying network interfaces

I have a script [below] that returns information about the network interfaces in .csv format, but I also need the InterfaceAlias of each adapter returned; unfortunately, I cannot get get-wmiobject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration to return such a value.

Can someone help?

$computer = "myserver.myserver.com"
get-wmiobject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -filter "IPEnabled=TRUE" -computername $computer | foreach-object {
  $_ | select-object `
    @{Name="ComputerName";     Expression={$_.__SERVER}},
    @{Name="MACAddress";       Expression={$_.MACAddress}},
    @{Name="IPAddress";        Expression={$_.IPAddress[0]}},
    @{Name="Caption";          Expression={$_.Caption}},
    @{Name="IPSubnet";         Expression={$_.IPSubnet[0]}},
    @{Name="DefaultIPGateway"; Expression={$_.DefaultIPGateway[0]}}
}| Export-Csv -path "C:\ip_addresses_PG.csv"```

You could use Get-NetIPInterface with the -InterfaceIndex parameter to return the InterfaceAlias property value and put that into an expression of the select statement.

If that doesn't suffice, you could use Get-NetAdapter with the -IncludeHidden parameter and a where filter to match the index value and put that into an expression of the select statement.

Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -Filter "IPEnabled=TRUE"  | foreach-object {
  $_ | select-object `
    @{Name="ComputerName";     Expression={$_.__SERVER}},
    @{Name="MACAddress";       Expression={$_.MACAddress}},
    @{Name="IPAddress";        Expression={$_.IPAddress[0]}},
    @{Name="Caption";          Expression={$_.Caption}},
    @{Name="IPSubnet";         Expression={$_.IPSubnet[0]}},
    @{Name="Alias1";           Expression={(Get-NetIPInterface -InterfaceIndex $_.InterfaceIndex).InterfaceAlias[0]}},
    @{Name="Alias2";           Expression={(Get-NetAdapter -IncludeHidden | where ifIndex -eq $_.InterfaceIndex).ifAlias}},  
    @{Name="DefaultIPGateway"; Expression={$_.DefaultIPGateway[0]}}

Supporting Resources

  • Get-NetIPInterface

  • Get-NetAdapter


    Indicates that the cmdlet includes both visible and hidden network adapters in the operation. By default only visible network adapters are included. If a wildcard character is used in identifying a network adapter and this parameter has been specified, then the wildcard string is matched against both hidden and visible network adapters.

  • Where-Object