How do I remove Facebook notifications in the Chrome Browser

As you see the image below, how to stop them from showing?

I have tried all I can to stop them but nothing works. In Facebook settings all notefictions are "off" but I still get this popup. In Chrome Settings also Facebook are not allowed to show notefications

so what is wrong or where do I turn them of?

enter image description here

Go to settings -> privacy and security -> site settings -> permissions / notifications

In that section, there is a Block and Allow list. Either remove facebook from the allow list or add them to the block list.

If you are seeing these notifications only on the facebook page, and not on other pages, then it is not a browser notification, but a feature of facebook itself. You will need to check your settings within facebook to fix this, assuming facebook allows that flexibility. Blocking components a website wants to put on its own page would require a browser plugin that edits the web pages before you see them.