Remove complete hashset at once in redis

I am having a hash set in redis names as = "match/123/result"

I am adding entries to set using "HSET" and retrieving all entries at a time using "HGETALL"

now, I want to flush this hash set, but there is no command like "HDELALL"

so I am using "DEL" to remove the hash set name itself, in this case I fire the command like this -

DEL match/123/result

Could find only this approach to remove everything at once. Is there any other solution ?

If you want to delete or flush the 'myhash' hash.

Please use the command below:


redis> del myhash

Hope it will solve the problem.

Here's a ruby-based way to remove all the keys in a Hash via a single, pipelined request:

def hdelall(key)
  r =
  keys = r.hgetall(key).keys
  r.pipelined do
    keys.each do |k|
      r.hdel key, k

If you have a list of keys then you maybe can use hdel with multiple keys But i would certainly recommend not to use it since it has a complexity of O(N).

By default redis doesn't allow clear function inside a hashet so you'll have to use del

This should work in Python (from "Redis in Action" book)

all_keys = list(conn.hgetall('some_hash_name').keys())
conn.hdel('some_hash_name', *all_keys)