"Enable Tab Search" not in chrome://flags

I just noticed a new icon in the title bar of my Chrome windows, a circle with a down arrow in it. This is apparently a new, experimental "Search Tabs" feature.

According to this site I should be able to remove this by going to chrome://flags and changing the "Enable Tab Search" setting. But I can't find the setting on that page. Is there some other way I can disable it?

This issue is addressed in the Chrome bug report Issue 1215708: Option to remove tab search.

This issue is labelled as "Type: Bug-Regression", which gives hope that making the icon "Tab Search" permanent may not have been intentional, so there is still hope for the future.

Your best option is voting for this issue and waiting.

If you are on Windows, you may switch to Microsoft Edge, which is almost identical to Chrome, but doesn't have this feature.