Terminology vs jargon vs lexicon

Though this subject is somewhat discussed at Difference between “jargon” and “technical terms”, what are the differences?

From Merriam-Webster online:

Jargon: The technical terminology or characteristic idiom of a special activity or group.

Terminology: The special words or phrases that are used in a particular field.

Lexicon: The words used in a language or by a person or group of people. (Also: The vocabulary of a language, an individual speaker or group of speakers, or a subject.)

Can you please give examples where it is appropriate to use only one but not others.

Solution 1:

A lexicon is just a catalog or dictionary of terms. Terminology is the set of specialized terms in my field of study. These items are clearly understood by others in my field of study.

Jargon is a set of terms used by people in other fields of study. These terms are confusing, ambiguous and frustrating.

Solution 2:

Although not stated in the dictionary quotations above, I would say that jargon has a derogatory association, whilst terminology is neutral. hence:

My partner might say to me "stop speaking jargon", not "stop speaking terminology". Whilst I might ask an expert on a subject "what is the correct terminology for..." and not "what is the correct jargon for..."

Solution 3:

Jargon may be used for the special language developed by sailors, soldiers, pilots, students or any other special group. It 's a language that normal speakers don't understand. Mostly the term is negative, a neutral term would be "special group language.