wmic has been deprecated with Windows 10, 21H1

The current Windows 10 upgrade 21H1 mentioned

The WMIC tool is deprecated

But to avoid manually fiddling with Task Manager I just call—actually via DOSKEY macros—in cmd.exe, like

wmic process where name="firefox.exe" CALL setpriority "below normal"

I found

powershell (Get-WmiObject Win32_process -filter 'name = "firefox.exe"' | foreach { "$($_.SetPriority(16384))"})

which is kind of a replacement, but, you see the difference which is the reason, switching to PowerShell was never an option for me.

I've seen cmdlets mentioned to replace wmic, but couldn't find how setting the process priority is meant to be done nowadays neither any good documentation by Microsoft—sigh.

In PowerShell you deal with processes using Get-Process

Get-Process firefox |% { $_.PriorityClass = 'BelowNormal' }