Are there any tweaks for fixing the appearance of Eclipse Juno on ubuntu?

As we have previously established ;-) running Eclipse on ubuntu is a bit disappointing on the UI side. Things are even worse now that Juno is out. Are there any tweaks specific to Gtk3 and Juno that help make things better?

The new UI maybe needs some getting used to, but I'm not convinced. Padding got much worse with all the extra (useless?) space between panes. The gradient on the toolbar looks ugly, the quick search looks like it needs some more polish, the buttons to switch perspectives maybe would look nicer without the quick search bar, tabs are waaay to big. Not sure the color scheme has been fixed since I'm running a modified theme for the sake of old 3.7 (the infamous white on black tooltips)

You may switch to classic Theme in the menu: Window->Preferences->General->Appearance. This will get you back to the looks in eclipse 3.7 if you find that more appealing.

The only solution I like is using jeeeyul's eclipse-themes.

For Linux Mint Users (and maybe others too):

This is a fix for this issue: