How can I improve my gameplay to carry myself out of Bronze League? [closed]

I've been playing League for years, since season 1. I'm not an amazing player, but I'm not terrible either. I'm attempting to get out of Bronze League in ranked play, but I'm having a very difficult time doing so. I'm very consistent in my games, particuarly when I ADC as Ezreal. My stats for him over 41 ranked games are K6.7\D3.4\A9.0 with a CS of 153.3. Again, while not spectacular I'm not bad at all either.

My issue is the rest of my team, and how I can interact with them or improve my gameplay enough to carry them entirely. I often have players that die upwards to 10 times, often not killing more than 3 players in the game. Now I know kills don't win games, objectives do, and I frequently communicate, attemping to focus our efforts on said objectives. When people feed like this however, generally opposing players have grown so strong that it becomes extremely difficult to retain map and objective control.

How can I rally my team to play better, and\or improve my gameplay in such a way that it will enable me to carry them entirely if need be?

Generic answers such as 'be more aware', or 'farm better', are useless as these are skills that can always obviously be improved. I'm looking for more of a social idea or some particular set of skills not previously mentioned that will allow me to rise above the curve.

Solution 1:

The first step to becoming a better player in solo queue is to never blame your team. The reason for this is because there is no benefit to it. Instead, focus on parts of YOUR game to improve. The easiest way to do this is to record your games (with software like lolreplay, etc.), play with only one champion (as much as possible) and watch and critique how you play. This will help you identify your weaknesses as a player. For instance, if during the laning phase, you notice that you all-in a lot (some wins/ some loss) - Then you might notice that when you lost, the opponents' jungler was in the area. So, that would identify that your map-awareness is poor, or you need to invest in wards (for example). In your case, as an ADC, I'd look into why you're getting lots of assists. Could you have turned those into kills with more aggressive play, or a different build? Are you getting your kills stolen? For Ezreal in particular though, I'd say assists are more likely than playing with for example, Caitlin. Either way, by playing one champion and watching your games you'll find something to improve.

But, in general, you'll need to look critically at improving these aspects of your play (each of which could fill an answer themselves):


Look at your last hitting and trading. Were there missed opportunities that you could've harassed or zoned your opponent? Or did you miss a lot of CS by attempting to do so? Could you position better? What about map awareness?

Meta Game and Objectives

BE the dragon timer. Know when he spawns and warn your team to group to attempt it. Keep track of his respawn too. Do you have these places warded at the right times?

What about your team composition? Did you lack initiate? Was no one peeling for you - and was it because you were out of position, or because of team composition, or poor play by teammates?

What about towers? Do you have easier to take third lvl turrets available, but you go for deeper ones - and why.


This part is the hardest, at least for me. Communicating with your team through more than just pings is essential if you're trying to coordinate a lower level team. Saying things like 'I'm going to buy, don't engage.' or 'Let's try to take top turret next.' or 'Dragon spawns in 1 minute - start to group there.' or 'Let's push bottom a bit and then group to bait Baron' will win you games. Not just during the game, but champ select too - talk about if you're going to invade, or if your team has too little synergy (ex: too many assassins; no tank; no CC; etc.)

The key when reviewing games is to ask the questions. 'What am I doing?' 'Why am I doing it?' Start at a very small level ('What am I doing standing still?') and then move to bigger gameplay decisions ('Why am I going for top turret here?')

Good luck!