Defend against Biotic Attack in Mass Effect 1

The most infuriating aspect of this game is a biotic attack. You get hit by one, and Shep goes all limp and starts rolling around on the floor, completely at the mercy of every assault rifle within a 30 mile perimeter.

Despite being a biotic, shielding myself with a biotic barrier and wearing light armour with biotic shielding I still find myself getting taken out constantly by a biotic attack.

Even when you're in cover biotic attacks can still hit you and cause you to 'collapse' out of cover.

I just don't really know how to stop them. I was a bastion and I was still getting hit by them. The Asari commandos when you face off Benezia on Noveria is a bit of a nightmare because of this.

How to I protect myself against this attack?

Solution 1:

Check out the Armor Upgrade attribute Physics Threshold. Here's a description of the Exoskeleton upgrade:


Mechanical augmentation increases the force of rifle butts and other melee attacks. The increased mass of the mechanized suit also provides protection against high physics weapons and biotic attacks such as Lift or Throw.

Or this excerpt from the throw subsection of the Adept Guide

Heavy objects and enemies with high physical force thresholds, like krogan, will require a stronger push to be knocked down or moved.