How can I pull a player's match data in Dota 2?

I'm not sure how good your programming is but the DOTA API can help with a lot of this. You query the API with a match ID and it gives a JSON object that looks something like this. There is also a call you can make to get all of your match_ids played by querying for your match history and then you can set up a loop to go through all of those matches. It's really pretty cool stuff. A link I've found really helpful about the DOTA api is I've since become steam friends with this guy and he knows his stuff.

"account_id": 32bitIDishere,
"player_slot": 0,
"hero_id": 73,
"item_0": 50,
"item_1": 187,
"item_2": 36,
"item_3": 61,
"item_4": 40,
"item_5": 0,
"kills": 8,
"deaths": 1,
"assists": 13,
"leaver_status": 0,
"gold": 4089,
"last_hits": 37,
"denies": 0,
"gold_per_min": 457,
"xp_per_min": 421,
"gold_spent": 5579,
"hero_damage": 6921,
"tower_damage": 289,
"hero_healing": 0,
"level": 12,