A music player that can handle multiple artist tags

Quod Libet will handle multiple values for pretty much any tag where supported by the format (e.g. mp3). It also knows about other person-like tags such as albumartist, performer and composer and has meta-tags for these.

I found a workaround for those who use Rhythmbox, and I'm crossposting this from it's issue tracker:

Since I use Picard for properly tagging albums BEFORE I import them into Rhythmbox (and also, before they're copyed into ~/music), I managed to find a workaround for this.

Picard has a plugin (included out-of-the-box) called "Feat. artists in titles". The name is pretty self-explanatory. Here's an example:


title: "Some song"
artist: "Artist 1 feat. Artist 2"


title: "Some song feat Artist 2"
artist: "Artist 1"

This results in what we all expect in the artist list in Rhythmbox, etc.

I already used picard to complete missing tags (sometimes the year is missing, etc, etc), so it's not really any hastle for me. It may not be the cleanest workaround, but it definitely works. I've yet to come any issue with this.