How do I change the ID of a HTML element with JavaScript?

I am modifying the ID of an HTML div element client side with JavaScript. The following code works OK in Internet Explorer but not in Firefox/ It does work in more recent versions of Firefox.

document.getElementById('one').id = 'two';

Can anyone tell me:

  1. Why this doesn't work in FireFox.
  2. How to make this work in FireFox.

To clarify, I'm changing the element ID to reference a different style in an external style sheet. The style is applied in IE but not in FF.

Solution 1:

It does work in Firefox (including See (add /edit to the url to edit):

<p id="one">One</p>
<a href="#" onclick="document.getElementById('one').id = 'two'; return false">Link2</a>

The first click changes the id to "two", the second click errors because the element with id="one" now can't be found!

Perhaps you have another element already with id="two" (FYI you can't have more than one element with the same id).

Solution 2:

That seems to work for me:

#monkey {color:blue}
#ape {color:purple}
<span id="monkey" onclick="changeid()">
function changeid ()
var e = document.getElementById("monkey"); = "ape";

The expected behaviour is to change the colour of the word "fruit".

Perhaps your document was not fully loaded when you called the routine?

Solution 3:

You can modify the id without having to use getElementById


<div id = 'One' onclick = " = 'Two'; return false;">One</div>

You can see it here:

Tested with Mozilla Firefox 22 and Google Chrome 60.0