How to detect that a Windows application is running (no GUI)

Solution 1:

The tasklist command can search for a given process.

Checking for success inside a batch file is a bit complicated, since this command does not set the errorlevel.

You need then to use it in conjunction with another utility that does set it, for example the find command like this:

echo off
tasklist /fi "imagename eq notepad.exe" | find "notepad.exe" > nul
if errorlevel 0 echo I found notepad.exe

The idea here is that notepad.exe will appear in the output only if the task is found, hence find will set the errorlevel to 0 for found and 1 for not found.

See also:

  • if command
  • Errorlevel and Exit codes

Solution 2:

@echo off 

set "_results=Not Running"
set "_imagename=executable_with_imagename_length_greater_than_25_characters.exe"
tasklist.exe /svc /fo list | find.exe /i "%_imagename%" >nul && set "_results=%_results:Not =%"

  • Use: Tasklist /svc /fo list

  • Use: Find "string" && [if/because return 0 do()] || [if/because return non 0 do()]

enter image description here

Notice something in this scenario

  1. I have one executable running

  2. The name +(.extension) of my executable has more them 25 characters in length

  3. Using TaskList/fi "imagename eq some_imagename.exe", has a 25 character limitation where imagename.exe will appear

  4. Using TaskList/fi "imagename eq some_imagename.exe"|find "some_imagename.exe" return errorlevel == 0

  5. But using the command below, I always get errorlevel == 1, due to the limitation of characters in the imagename field

To obtain accurate information, not limited to character length, replace:

tasklist /fi "imagename eq executable_with_imagename_length_greater_than_25_characters.exe"|find /i "executable_with_imagename_length_greater_than_25_characters.exe"

Tasklist /svc /fo list | find /i "executable_with_imagename_length_greater_than_25_characters.exe" 

  • What these commands are doing
   Inhibits echo on commands:  @echo off  

Define status to Not Running:  set "_results=Not Running   
Define The Program.eXtension:  set "_imagename=executable.exe"

                    TaskList:  tasklist.exe /svc /fo list 
                               /SVC  Displays services hosted in each process.
                               /FO   format  Specifies the output format.
                                             Valid values: "TABLE", "LIST", "CSV".

Redirect TaskLis out to Find:   tasklist.exe ... | find ...

 Handles input "%filtering%":   find.exe /i "%_imagename%" 

     Omit find output/string:   >nul

  if command returned 0 runs:   && next_cmd

Replace/Remove 'Not ' in var:   set "_results=%_results:Not =%"

Echoes the current condition:   echo=%_results%

  • This is all intended to explain that the use of TaskList with the flag "/fi "imagename eq executable" is not accurate/reliable, without considering the character string containing the name.eXtension of file/program:

@echo off 

set "_results=Not Running"
set "_imagename=executable.exe"
tasklist.exe /svc /fo list|find.exe /i "%_imagename%">nul && set "_results=%_results:Not =%"


  • A simple alternative would be:
@echo off 

tasklist.exe /svc /fo list | ( 
     find.exe /i "Program_Name.exe" 
   ) >nul && echo;True || echo;False

  • What I would use:
@echo off

for /f %%i in ('"tasklist.exe /svc /fo list|find.exe /i "ProgramName.Exe">nul && echo;True||echo;False"
')do set "_bool=%%~i"

preferably in such a way a batch file could use the result

  • Using argument's:
file.cmd program.exe outvar
@echo off

if "%~1" == "" (set "_default=My_Default_Program.exe") else set "_default=%~nx1"
for /f %%i in ('"tasklist.exe /svc /fo list|find.exe /i "%_default%">nul && echo;True||echo;False"
')do set "_bool=%%~i" && set "%~2=%%~i"

  • :: Or using :lable....
@echo off

for /f %%i in ('"tasklist.exe /svc /fo list|find.exe /i "%~1">nul && echo;True||echo;False"
')do if "%%~i" == "True" goto :True_Label_Job

echo/%~nx1 False
rem :: command for False condition here...
rem :: command for False condition here... 
rem :: command for False condition here... 
exit /b || goto :eof

echo/%~nx1 True
rem :: command for True condition here...
rem :: command for True condition here... 
rem :: command for True condition here... 
exit /b || goto :eof

Additional Resources:

  • Set /?
  • Echo /?
  • Find /?
  • For /?
  • For /F /?
  • Tasklist /?
  • Redirection
    • |, <, >, 2>, etc.
  • Conditional Execution
    • || and &&
  • Goto :Label | Call :Label
  • Variable and Substring Manipulation
  • Command line parameters in batch file
  • How can I pass arguments to a batch file
  • How does the Windows Command Interpreter [cmd.exe] Parse Scripts

  • Another answer dealing with the same point addressed but with a different title
    • How To Deal With “.” in the middle of a program name In a bat File?

I need to check with a bat file if a program is running in tasksheduler.

The big problem is this program is from external guys and have four "."
in the middle of the name.

I'm using this code:

tasklist /fi "IMAGENAME eq Fls.Core.Portal.UI.Shell.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "Fls.Core.Portal.UI.Shell.exe">NUL
goto Exit

with program running behind I was expecting the return of
errorlevel 0, but it is returning 1

I believe the problem is this "." in the name of the program.