Solution 1:

I quite like F-Spot + UFRAW for organising photos and processing them but I also use Darktable for when I get bored of UFRAW.

Solution 2:

I use Darktable too. If your camera is supported RawTherapee will be an option as well.

Solution 3:

I have been quite happy with using Bibble 5.

While it is a commercial program, I find it outstrips all open-source solutions in both usability and speed - at least for my uses. And they have quite good Linux support, including .deb-packages and simultaneous releases on all platforms.

Solution 4:

the best I like is digiKam but there are also UFRAW, RawTherapee and Shotwell(RAW support in development).

There are also Lightzone and Bibble if you are looking for commercial products.