Why is my character invisible?

Solution 1:

I think I happened upon a fix that supports my theory about the IsVisible attribute. Using another suggestion I found about becoming ethereal and fast traveling, I used Shadowcloak of Nocturnal and fast traveled. I was always able to tell when my attempts fail after I attempt to switch armor which would always result in me becoming invisible again. After fast traveling with this spell, I am now able to switch armor and remain visible. I think this combination of invisibility and fast travel toggled that boolean flag back to its proper value. Let's hope this stays.


Well, it's not completely back to normal, but I am not complaining. My character still appears to be slightly phased. This pic shows that you can still see through the body. At least I can see my character now. What a strange bug.

enter image description here

Solution 2:

My solution was to just back up to a previous save when the bug occurred. It's happened once to me and once to a follower and both times I just backed up a couple of minutes and was fine.