Equivalent of Firefox's "error console" in other browsers

Is there an equivalent to Firefox's "Error console" in other browsers? I find the error console handy for finding JavaScript errors, but there doesn't seem to be an equivalent simple way to see error messages on other browsers. I'm interested in Internet Explorer, Opera and Google Chrome.

Post script: I'm not looking for an alternative to Firefox's error console, it is fine for me. I don't need FireBug. Also I am aware of the Developer Tools in Google Chrome, but I can't make sense of it. I just want to get the error messages. Is there some way to get sane error messages out of it? I haven't been able to. My default browser is Chrome on Windows and Linux, but if I do something in JavaScript, I end up having to switch to Firefox to get the error messages from the error console.

You have following options

  • Chrome: Press Ctrl+Shift+J (Cmd+Option+J on Mac) and it will give similar functionality. Also consider checking out JavaScript debugger in Chrome
  • IE7: Nothing built in. But have a look at IE Developer Toolbar
  • IE8: Just hit F12 and you will get access to some very capable built-in tools. Error console is on Script tab
  • Firefox: Just use FireBug Press F12. The built-in tools are now quiet good.
  • Opera: Press Ctrl+Shift+I (Cmd+Option+I on Mac) to launch Opera Drangonfly which is a fully featured development and debugging tool integrated into the Opera browser
  • Safari: Enable the Developer Menu from Safari's preferences. It will give access the various tools (Error Console, Web Inspector, JavaScript Profiler, etc). Of course there are also shortcuts, like Cmd + Alt + C for the console

I use Ctrl+Shift+J in Chrome, and it's got something close in there. IE -- there's the IE Developer Toolbar, and I think IE8 has something like that, but let's face it, if you're using IE for Javascript debugging, you basically hate yourself and have more serious personal issues regarding your self-esteem to deal with.

Any of these:

Hit F12 or Ctrl+Shift+I
right-click on any element on the page, and "Inspect Element"
Wrench button -> Tools -> Developer Tools

Then go to Console tab