pySerial 2.6: specify end-of-line in readline()

I am sending commands to Eddie using pySerial. I need to specify a carriage-return in my readline, but pySerial 2.6 got rid of it... Is there a workaround?

Here are the Eddie command set is listed on the second and third pages of this PDF. Here is a backup image in the case where the PDF is inaccessible.

General command form:

Input:              <cmd>[<WS><param1>...<WS><paramN>]<CR>
Response (Success): [<param1>...<WS><paramN>]<CR>
Response (Failure): ERROR[<SP>-<SP><verbose_reason>]<CR> 

As you can see all responses end with a \r. I need to tell pySerial to stop.

What I have now:

def sendAndReceive(self, content):'Sending {0}'.format(content))
  self.ser.write(content + '\r')
  response = self.ser.readline() # Currently stops reading on timeout...
  if self.isErr(response):
    return None
    return response

Solution 1:

I'm having the same issue and implemented my own readline() function which I copied and modified from the file found in the pyserial package.

The serial connection is part of the class this function belongs to and is saved in attribute 'self.ser'

def _readline(self):
    eol = b'\r'
    leneol = len(eol)
    line = bytearray()
    while True:
        c =
        if c:
            line += c
            if line[-leneol:] == eol:
    return bytes(line)

This is a safer, nicer and faster option than waiting for the timeout.

EDIT: I came across this post when trying to get the io.TextIOWrapper method to work (thanks zmo). So instead of using the custom readline function as mentioned above you could use:

self.ser = serial.Serial(port=self.port,
self.ser_io = io.TextIOWrapper(io.BufferedRWPair(self.ser, self.ser, 1),  
                               newline = '\r',
                               line_buffering = True)
self_id = self.ser_io.readline()

Make sure to pass the argument 1 to the BufferedRWPair, otherwise it will not pass the data to the TextIOWrapper after every byte causing the serial connection to timeout again.

When setting line_buffering to True you no longer have to call the flush function after every write (if the write is terminated with a newline character).

EDIT: The TextIOWrapper method works in practice for small command strings, but its behavior is undefined and can lead to errors when transmitting more than a couple bytes. The safest thing to do really is to implement your own version of readline.

Solution 2:

From pyserial 3.2.1 (default from debian Stretch) read_until is available. if you would like to change cartridge from default ('\n') to '\r', simply do:

import serial
ser.write(b'command\r')  # sending command
ser.read_until(b'\r')   # read until '\r' appears

b'\r' could be changed to whatever you will be using as carriadge return.

Solution 3:

from pyserial's documentation:



The eol parameter for readline() is no longer supported when pySerial is run with newer Python versions (V2.6+) where the module io is available. EOL

To specify the EOL character for readline() or to use universal newline mode, it is advised to use io.TextIOWrapper:

import serial
import io
ser = serial.serial_for_url('loop://', timeout=1)
sio = io.TextIOWrapper(io.BufferedRWPair(ser, ser))

sio.flush() # it is buffering. required to get the data out *now*
hello = sio.readline()
print hello == unicode("hello\n")

Solution 4:

reading 10 data from port 3 with board rate 38400, The data is separated with \n character when comes in the incoming data

import serial as self
ser=self.Serial("COM3", 38400)  
buffer = []
count = 0.0
c = "\0"
while count < 10:
    c = "\0"
    if ser.inWaiting():
        while True:
            val =
            if "\n" in val:
                c += val
        buffer.append(c) # stores all data received into a list   
        count += 1
print buffer