How do I configure Nagios mobile / SMS alerts? [closed]

How do I send alerts from Nagios monitoring tool to mobile?

Any resources or links or tutorials are fine.

Solution 1:

The following describes how alerts can be sent directly to SMS, without using e-mail. Basically, you need to connect a GSM modem (or a suitable mobile phone) via USB, then send your text messages directly via the GSM network.


If you want a much simpler solution and are comfortable using e-mail (such that if your internet connection goes down, you will not get alerts on your cell phone), just send alerts to your phone's e-mail address:


Solution 2:

The March 2010 issue of Linux Journal has an article titled Using an SMS Server to Provide a Robust Alerting Service for Nagios

They use the MultiTech Systems MultiModem iSMS Intelligent SMS server, and explain in great detail how they got it up and running. As well as all the scripts and configuration they wrote.

Definitely worth a read.

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