Does OS X Yosemite support spotlight on network drives?

I know in the past OS X did not support indexing network drives. Has this changed? Do more recent versions of OS X such as Yosemite support spotlight on network drives?

I am thinking of investing in a NAS storage device such as Synology and spotlight support is a requirement. Since I have lots of data on my external drives right now.

Solution 1:

Indexing of an AFP-network drive isn't a problem:

To enable spotlight indexing on a network drive open and enter:

 mdutil /Volumes/name -i on

To disable the indexing of a connected network drive:

 mdutil /Volumes/name -i off

To check the status of indexing on a connected network drive:

 mdutil /Volumes/name -s


In the comments there, a Synology NAS has been mentioned explicitly:

MacHouis • a year ago
Thanks a lot, it works very fine :):):). I had to mount the volume (a Synology Ethernet server) in afp to start the Spotlight Indexing... thanks thanks thanks...

This also works for older Mac OS Xs (in the example below it's Lion). Make sure that you've switched to 'Shared' in the search window:
