PsExec with Get-WinEvent: The system cannot find the file specified

I'm trying to run Get-WinEvent on a remote PC using psexec but I'm getting the following error:

PS C:\> psexec \\pc28 Get-WinEvent -?
Starting Get-EventLog on pc28...
PsExec could not start Get-EventLog on pc28:
The system cannot find the file specified.

However, if I run the same command locally on the other PC it runs fine:

PS C:\> Get-WinEvent -?


    Get-WinEvent [[-LogName] <string[]>]...

It appears that I can run other commands on the remote PC like systeminfo and wmic but none of the Get-* commands.

Both the local and remote PCs are running Windows 10 and PowerShell 5.1. I've tried running psexec version 2.2 and 2.33 on the local PC. (Curiously, version 2.2 gives the error above while version 2.33 gives a logon failure message even with administrator credentials.)

ANSWER: As Robert pointed out in the comments below, psexec is for running executables, not PowerShell commands. See the marked answer below for how to do the same thing but with Invoke-Command and PSRemoting instead.

Solution 1:

You don't need psexec to run PowerShell commands remotely against other machines. Ensure that the remote machine has PSRemoting enabled and then run PowerShell commands against the remote machine using invoke-command.

Enable-PSRemoting on remote machine

Enable-PSRemoting -Force

Running remote PowerShell commands

Invoke-Command -Computer pc28 -Scriptblock { Get-WinEvent -? }

Supporting Resources

  • Enable-PSRemoting

  • Invoke-Command

    -ScriptBlock scriptblock

    The commands to run.

    Enclose the commands in curly braces { } to create a script block. This parameter is required.