How to stash changes in current folder?

I would like to stash only the changes in the current folder and its subfolders.

How can I achieve that?

I have tried the obvious approach - git stash . but it doesn't seem to work.

I know I can create temporary commits and delete them afterward, but I want to know if git stash supports stashing specific folders.

git stash push -- path/to/folder

Does the trick for me.

git stash will not let you save partial directories with a single command, but there are some alternatives.

You can use git stash -p to select only the diffs that you want to stash.

If the output of git stash -p is huge and/or you want a scriptable solution, and it is acceptable to create temporary commits, you can create a commit with all the changes but those in the subdirectory, then stash away the changes, and rewind the commit. In code:

git add -u :/   # equivalent to (cd reporoot && git add -u) without changing $PWD
git reset HEAD .
git commit -m "tmp"
git stash       # this will stash only the files in the current dir
git reset HEAD~