Why no love for SQL? [closed]

This is partly subjective. So this is my opinion:

SQL has a pseudo-natural-language style. The inventors believed that they can create a language just like English and that database queries will be very simple. A terrible mistake. SQL is very hard to understand except in trivial cases.

SQL is declarative. You can't tell the database how it should do stuff, just what you want as result. This would be perfect and very powerful - if you wouldn't have to care about performance. So you end up in writing SQL - reading execution plans - rephrasing SQL trying to influence the execution plan, and you wonder why you can't write the execution plan yourself.

Another problem of the declarative language is that some problems are easier to solve in a imperative manner. So you either write it in another language (you'll need standard SQL and probably a data access layer) or by using vendor specific language extensions, say by writing stored procedures and the like. Doing so you will probably find that you're using one of the worst languages you've ever seen - because it was never designed to be used as an imperative language.

SQL is very old. SQL has been standardized, but too late, many vendors already developed their language extensions. So SQL ended up in dozens of dialects. That's why applications are not portable and one reason to have a DB abstraction layer.

But it's true - there are no feasible alternatives. So we all will use SQL for the next few years.

Aside from everything that was said, a technology doesn't have to be bad to make an abstraction layer valuable.

If you're doing a very simple script or application, you can afford to mix SQL calls in your code wherever you like. However, if you're doing a complex system, isolating the database calls in separate module(s) is a good practice and so it is isolating your SQL code. It improves your code's readability, maintainability and testability. It allows you to quickly adapt your system to changes in the database model without breaking up all the high level stuff, etc.

SQL is great. Abstraction layers over it makes it even greater!

One point of abstraction layers is the fact that SQL implementations tend to be more or less incompatible with each other since the standard is slightly ambiguous, and also because most vendors have added their own (nonstandard) extras there. That is, SQL written for a MySQL DB might not work quite similarly with, say, an Oracle DB — even if it "should".

I agree, though, that SQL is way better than most of the abstraction layers out there. It's not SQL's fault that it's being used for things that it wasn't designed for.

SQL gets badmouthed from several sources:

  • Programmers who are not comfortable with anything but an imperative language.
  • Consultants who have to deal with many incompatible SQL-based products on a daily basis
  • Nonrelational database vendors trying to break the stranglehold of relational database vendors on the market
  • Relational database experts like Chris Date who view current implementations of SQL as insufficient

If you stick to one DBMS product, then I definitely agree that SQL DBs are more versatile and of higher quality than their competition, at least until you hit a scalability barrier intrinsic in the model. But are you really trying to write the next Twitter, or are you just trying to keep some accounting data organized and consistent?

Criticism of SQL is often a standin for criticisms of RDBMSes. What critics of RDBMSes seem not to understand is that they solve a huge class of computing problems quite well, and that they are here to make our lives easier, not harder.

If they were serious about criticizing SQL itself, they'd back efforts like Tutorial D and Dataphor.