How should equals and hashcode be implemented when using JPA and Hibernate

How should model class's equals and hashcode be implemented in Hibernate? What are the common pitfalls? Is the default implementation good enough for most cases? Is there any sense to use business keys?

It seems to me that it's pretty hard to get it right to work in every situation, when lazy fetching, id generation, proxy, etc are taken into account.

Solution 1:

Hibernate has a nice and long description of when / how to override equals() / hashCode() in documentation

The gist of it is you only need to worry about it if your entity will be part of a Set or if you're going to be detaching / attaching its instances. The latter is not that common. The former is usually best handled via:

  1. Basing equals() / hashCode() on a business key - e.g. a unique combination of attributes that is not going to change during object (or, at least, session) lifetime.
  2. If the above is impossible, base equals() / hashCode() on primary key IF it's set and object identity / System.identityHashCode() otherwise. The important part here is that you need to reload your Set after new entity has been added to it and persisted; otherwise you may end up with strange behavior (ultimately resulting in errors and / or data corruption) because your entity may be allocated to a bucket not matching its current hashCode().

Solution 2:

I don't think that the accepted answer is accurate.

To answer the original question:

Is the default implementation good enough for most cases?

The answer is yes, in most cases it is.

You only need to override equals() and hashcode() if the entity will be used in a Set (which is very common) AND the entity will be detached from, and subsequently re-attached to, hibernate sessions (which is an uncommon usage of hibernate).

The accepted answer indicates that the methods need to be overriden if either condition is true.

Solution 3:

The best equals and hashCode implementation is when you use a unique business key or natural identifier, like this:

public class Company {
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
    private Long id;
    @Column(unique = true, updatable = false)
    private String name;
    public int hashCode() {
        HashCodeBuilder hcb = new HashCodeBuilder();
        return hcb.toHashCode();
    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (this == obj) {
            return true;
        if (!(obj instanceof Company)) {
            return false;
        Company that = (Company) obj;
        EqualsBuilder eb = new EqualsBuilder();
        return eb.isEquals();

The business key should be consistent across all entity state transitions (transient, attached, detached, removed), that's why you can't rely on id for equality.

Another option is to switch to using UUID identifiers, assigned by the application logic. This way, you can use the UUID for the equals/hashCode because the id is assigned before the entity gets flushed.

You can even use the entity identifier for equals and hashCode, but that requires you to always return the same [hashCode value so that you make sure that the entity hashCode value is consistent across all entity state transitions, like this:

@Entity(name = "Post")
@Table(name = "post")
public class Post implements Identifiable<Long> {
    private Long id;
    private String title;
    public Post() {}
    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (this == o) return true;
        if (!(o instanceof Post))
            return false;
        Post other = (Post) o;
        return id != null &&
    public int hashCode() {
        return getClass().hashCode();
    //Getters and setters omitted for brevity

Solution 4:

When an entity is loaded through lazy loading, it's not an instance of the base type, but is a dynamically generated subtype generated by javassist, thus a check on the same class type will fail, so don't use:

if (getClass() != that.getClass()) return false;

instead use:

if (!(otherObject instanceof Unit)) return false;

which is also a good practice, as explained on Implementing equals in Java Practices.

for the same reason, accessing directly fields, may not work and return null, instead of the underlying value, so don't use comparison on the properties, but use the getters, since they might trigger to load the underlying values.

Solution 5:

Yeah, it's hard. In my project equals and hashCode both rely on the id of the object. The problem of this solution is that neither of them works if the object has not been persisted yet, as the id is generated by database. In my case that's tolerable since in almost all cases objects are persisted right away. Other than that, it works great and is easy to implement.