First Time Setup runs every time I click Play

Whenever I run Dota 2, Steam shows me this UAC dialog:
UAC Steam Program Files (x86)\Steam\bin\steamservice.exe /installscript steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\runasadmin.vdf 570

If I click No, the game launches. If I click Yes, I see the following and then the game launches.
Performing First Time Setup | Installing (Step 1 of 1)

It's just an annoyance, but how can I prevent this from happening?

I've tried reinstalling both Steam and the game.

Solution 1:

Identify the "steam app" number (I think DOTA2 is 570)

Find the installscript.vdf file in the game's install folder. Open it with a text editor You will see lines like this:

{...} InstallScript" { "Run Process" { "DirectX" {...}

For every "run process" item like DirectX highlighted above, add a new dword parameter in the registry and set it to 1 in the proper registry node. For Dota2, the app node is:


If you using a 32-bit OS, omit Wow6432Node.

You can examine sibling game nodes for more confirmation, but I think once it all runs, steam also adds a dword named "Installed" with a value of 1.

Rarely, an installscript.vdf has a typo (like "DircetX"). I think you need to copy the typo in the registry entry.

This file may be rewritten when steam updates a game. Clearing the contents is a temporary fix.

Solution 2:

  • Go to the directory where Dota 2 is installed in your Steam Library.
  • Open installscript.vdf with Notepad or any other text editor
  • Replace the contents with:

  • Save the file and close Notepad.
  • Set installscript.vdf to be read only via the file's properties.

This way Steam should never bug you again.