fatal: could not create work tree dir 'kivy'

I'm trying to clone my fork of the kivy git, but it's not working. I've made the fork correctly, I believe, but when I type this into my Mac terminal:

git clone https://github.com/mygitusername/kivy.git

I get this error:

fatal: could not create work tree dir 'kivy.: Permission denied

Anyone see what I am doing wrong? Thanks!

Solution 1:

You should do the command in a directory where you have write permission. So:

cd ~/
mkdir code
cd code
git clone https://github.com/kivy/kivy

For example.

Solution 2:

Your current directory does not has the write/create permission to create kivy directory, thats why occuring this problem.

Your current directory give 777 rights and try it.

sudo chmod 777 DIR_NAME
git clone https://github.com/mygitusername/kivy.git

Solution 3:

In my case what happened was that the user I was using had no ownership over the directory. I simply had to change ownership of the directory to that user. For example if user is ubuntu:

chown ubuntu:ubuntu -R directory-in-question

cd directory-in-question/

git clone <git repo comes here >

Solution 4:

If you are working in Windows you have to change the permissions of the directory putting full permissions or just write to let github clone the repository. The steps are:

  1. Go To your directory
  2. open properties
  3. go to tab "security"
  4. change the permissions
  5. apply

Solution 5:

Assuming that you are using Windows, run the application as Admin.

For that, you have at least two options:

• Open the file location, right click and select "Run as Administrator".

Run Git Bash as Admin

• Using Windows Start menu, search for "Git Bash", and you will find the following:

Git Bash using Windows Start Menu

Then, just press "Run as Administrator".