How do you find all uses of a font in a PDF or Illustrator document

I have a collection of Illustrator files which get collected into a single PDF. Having attempted to remove all uses of a specific font throughout, I find that the font is still being embedded. How can I find which pages and where on the page that font is used?

Solution 1:

The "pdffonts.exe" commandline utility can indicate which fonts are used on which page. It's part of the .zip available here: and works without "installation".

Make yourself familiar with its use by opening a cmd.exe window and type:

pdffonts.exe -help

If you want to see which fonts are used on page 23 of one.pdf, use this command:

pdffonts.exe ^
    -f 23 ^
    -l 23 ^

If you want to see the fonts for page range 4-11 of two.pdf, use this command:

 for /l %i in (4,1,11) ^
    do (echo. page %i & ^
    pdffonts -f %i -l %i c:\path\to\two.pdf)