Unable to play a complete track in iPod nano

I have around 140 tracks in iPod nano and recently synched a new track on it.

The problem is that the track is not playing completely . It skips the track after first few seconds.

The song is not corrupt as i tried playing in the system and it plays completely without any glitch or error. What could be the problem for the iPod skipping the track after few seconds.

How can i avoid problems like this in the future.

These are few things, which may be helped (they helped for me sometimes, because this problem is too sudden).

  1. Reset your iPod (keep your music safe before this operation, of course);
  2. Try deleting all staff off the iPod and re-syncing them;
  3. Try both variants which are above together;
  4. Maybe try to convert your track or find another same variant.

Also see this useful Apple's info.

Good luck and happy holidays!