How to `go test` all tests in my project?

The go test command covers *_test.go files in only one dir.

I want to go test the whole project, which means the test should cover all *_test.go files in the dir ./ and every children tree dir under the dir ./.

What's the command to do this?

This should run all tests in current directory and all of its subdirectories:

$ go test ./...

This should run all tests for given specific directories:

$ go test ./tests/... ./unit-tests/... ./my-packages/...

This should run all tests with import path prefixed with foo/:

$ go test foo/...

This should run all tests import path prefixed with foo:

$ go test foo...

This should run all tests in your $GOPATH:

$ go test ...

From Go 1.9 onwards, use

go test ./...

In Go 1.6 through 1.8, the ./... matched also the vendor directory. To skip vendored packages, you'd use

go test $(go list ./... | grep -v /vendor/)

Sources:,,, @nickgrim's comment.

Folder Structure


go test command Command

   ProjectName$ go test -v ./...
    ProjectName$ go test  ./...
    ProjectName$ go test -cover ./...

Coverage Report for the Entire Project

ok      ProjectName/folderName1 10%
ok      ProjectName/folerName2  90%
ok      ProjectName/folerName2  85%