How to sort a populated document in find request?

I would like to sort a populated Document from the collection i fetch, i get an error requesting it.

Let's admit a Document Group (Group) and 'Member' (Group.Members)


Works perfectly, but i would like to sort it so i do this:

  .populate('Members', ['_id', 'name'], null, { sort: [[ 'created_at', 'desc' ]] })

I get the error TypeError: Invalid select() argument. Must be a string or object. by adding this...

Solution 1:

You can also explicitly specify only required parameters of populate:

  .populate({path: 'Members', options: { sort: { 'created_at': -1 } } })

Have a look at

Solution 2:

This example above works with Mongoose 2.x and above, use this syntax:

  .populate('Members', '_id name', null, { sort: { 'created_at': -1 } })